Gnolls are strong, tall, and lean and covered with a thick coat of fur, which generally ranges from light to dark brown. HyaenidsĪ gnoll looks much like a humanoid hyena and shares many traits with the animal. Given substantial purpose to set aside their typical mistrust, the fearsome and lawless hyenafolk can make for lifelong companions, fiercely devoted in their found kinship and prepared at all times to viciously defend it. Though they are commonly known for their feral instincts and relentless brutality, so too are gnolls both naturally adaptable and aggressively loyal to their packmates.
Widely reviled as savage stalkers and merciless marauders, the collective identity of the gnolls is nonetheless as contentious a subject among scholars as it is among the gnolls themselves. Scholar Brammir, The Denmatron's Rebellion Only those who have truly proven themselves as kin to to the formidable wanderers may be spared from the gnolls' natural aggression, and honored with the indomitable trust they otherwise reserve for their own.' Gnolls bear an appetite not for gold, nor for such ideals as honor or mercy. To stand before the savage hyenafolk, take heed.